New art shows for summer

The  Bowman Arts Centre has a couple big new month-long shows beginning July 4.
A four-pronged show called Four By Four begins July 4  with Amy Dodic, Linda Hajash, Eric Martens and Blake Wilson  displaying their works until Aug. 8. The opening reception is  Saturday, July 4 from 7-9 p.m. at the Bowman Arts Centre (811-5 Ave South).
 Simultaneously,  another show called Black and White begins July 4 and runs  until Aug. 8. Participating artists include Amy Dodic, Donna Gallant, Linda Hajash, Angela H’Wood, Karina Mak, Eric Martens, Bev Muendel-Atherstone, Jim Palmer, Bob Webb and Blake Wilson.
 The opening reception is also July 4 from 7-9 p.m. at the Bowman Arts Centre.
The Bowman display cases  feature work from  the University of Lethbridge’s  Figure and Life  Drawing (2850 A ) class.
A new display goes up in the Waterfield Gallery, upstairs in the Yates Theatre (10th Street and 4th Avenue).
Drawing  on the Imagination runs July 11-Aug. 8. Numerous artists are involved including Leila Armstrong, Donna Bilyk, Ed Crowe, Amrita Deshpande, Kelaine Devine, Beany Dootjes, Wayne Dwornik, Loralee Edwards, Olive Green, Aaron Hagan, Joanne Kaltenbruner, Katherine Kolpak, John Macdonald, April Matisz, Alex Pavlenko, Lynn Russell and Fr. Tham.
The opening reception is July 11 from 7-9 p.m.
—Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor