Tiff Ginn and Bill Poss make surprise visit to Lethbridge


Tif Ginn made a surprise visit to the Owl, April 27. Photo by Richard AmeryTif Ginn and husband Bill Poss, (Passalaqua) who played the Slice last week made a surprise performance at the Owl Acoustic Lounge, April 27.

I caught Tif Ginn’s solo set first. She observed she was touring with Fred Eaglesmith, who she noted is in Alaska now and joked she]s be answering questions a bout Fred Eaglesmith for a dollar each after her set.

 She and her husband were taking turns taking care of their newborn, so played their own sets.

 Tiff Ginn, the tiny black haired Texan,  with a massive voice, was on first with just her acoustic guitar.
It was hard to take youBill Poss playing the Owl. Photo by Richard Ameryr eyes off her, looking like she stepped right out of a ’50s  greaser bar.

She had one huge voice, which dominated the room. She played an interesting mix of alt folk, country and even a  touch of sultry jazz, which was pretty amazing.

 Her husband, Bill Poss played a solid set of standard country, beginning with a song about Jack Rabbit, and then following it with a song called “Skinny Dog ” which he said was about bad omens. His set featured some intricate guitar picking.

He joked he didn’t know how he ended up with a  wife like Tif Ginn and noted he played  a song for her after they got together. it was a fascinating number about heroin and cowboys.

—By Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor
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Last Updated ( Thursday, 03 May 2012 10:57 )