Düus blues band in fine form


 At Jimmy’s Pub on the south side, May 1,  Daryll  Düus and his band were in fine form.

They had theThe Düus  Blues band and special guest Jackie French had people dancing, May 1 at Jimmy’s Pub. Photo by Richard Amery remnants of a frenetic crowd dancing up a storm. Düus grinned ear to ear , while wandering through the crowd playing  slide guitar with assorted bottles, jumping on a chair and soloing from there,  then went right out the door and played a solo from the street.

He asked Fast Times’ Jackie French up on stage to perform a couple numbers including  ZZ Top’s ‘Tush’ and a moving version of the Rolling Stones’ ‘Dead Flowers.’ Then he went outside again for another solo.

— By Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor
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Last Updated ( Thursday, 03 January 2019 14:34 )