Empress Theatre presents gangs of Vaudeville


Join Don Biscotti and the Empress Players in an offer you can’t refuse, it’s Gangs of Vaudeville - a one night only smorgasbord of southern Alberta talent.

Local singer songwriter Tristan Skettering will be among the performers which features plenty of Southern Alberta talent including piano players, bagpipers, belly dancers and poets.

Showing Aug. 19 at 8 p.m, make the quick trip to Fort Macleod and enjoy one of the most popular forms of entertainment seen on stage during the 1880s through to the 1930s, but with a modern twist. 

Tickets $15 for adults, $10 for everyone else, rated E for everyone!

Visit www.empresstheatre.ab.ca or call the Empress Theatre in Fort Macleod at 1-800-540-9229 for tickets and further details.  Make the Empress Theatre part of your summer entertainment.

— Submitted to L.A. Beat.