Playgoers of Lethbridge bring a slice of Canadiana to the stage with curling comedy Hurry Hard


Playgoers of Lethbridge  are ready to “Hurry Hard” at the Sterndale Bennett Theatre, Feb. 7-10. So sweep up your tickets at the Enmax  or Yates Theatre box office and get in the house as this new Canadian play will rock and make you laugh, so you’d better not skip it.

Noc Barker and Trevor Loman rehearse Hurry Hard. Photo by Richard Amery

 “You don’t have to understand curling to  enjoy the play,” said director Greg Wolcott, who makes his directing debut with Playgoers of Lethbridge.

He is enjoying  directing Kristen DaSilva’s comedy which he described as a “slice of Canadian life” about a group of friends who want to win one last  bonspiel before their club closes.

The play is about a couple Bill and Sandy, whose curling team splits up along with their marriage.

 But they reconcile for one last bonspiel.


“The couple have been divorced for seven years. And one of the characters has never won a bonspiel so he really wants to win one before the club closes,” Wolcott said

“Hurry Hard” was first  produced in 2019.


“It takes place in Ontario, but it could be any small town in Canada,” Wolcott said.


“It all takes place on the second floor of a curling club. The audience  is the ice they’re looking down at, so that’s a neat concept that breaks the fourth wall,” he said. 

“Hurry Hard stars some familiar faces including Trevor Loman, Teresa Huszar, plus Jason Lisburn, Genevieve  Saunders and Nic Barker.

Wolcott has directed many plays  for high school, but has never worked with adults.

“It’s moving along  very well,” he said.


“ I’m used to working with  students, and a set rehearsal space and a set set, but we‘re rehearsing  in different spots every day with a makeshift set. It’s been challenging working around  work schedules and family which I never had to do before,” he said adding he is excited to help bring  Playgoers of Lethbridge into their 101st year.


Trevor Loman and Genevieve  Saunders rehearse Hurry Hard. Photo by Richard Amery

“ It’s quite an accomplishment  for Playgoers to be going for 100 years, he said.


“ I wanted to do a  a Canadian comedy. ‘Hurry Hard’ is   relatively new,” he said.


“I hope people will enjoy themselves for two hours with this play.


“ It’s a very funny play. It’s very well written,” he said.


 Tickets are available at the  Yates Theatre and Enmax Box Office for $27.


 The show is at 7:30 p.m. each night.

— By Richard Amery, L.A. beat editor
