Metamorphoses and Connections exhibits open

Connections at the Bowman Art Centre.A couple interesting new exhibitions opened over the past weekend, March 6.  At the Bowman Art Gallery, a decent crowd made some ‘Connections’ during opening night with some unique textile art by artists Cathy Tomm and Dawna Dey Harrish and Sharon Willas Rubliak. A lot of the pieces involved designs of hands and gloves  not only on several of the quilts, but also standing alone on a pedestal.
A couple streets over at the Yates Theatre, there was a unique exhibition combining words and poetry. Metamorphoses runs at the Waterfield Gallery until April 3.One of Darcy Logan’s  Naglfar pieces and poetry embossed next to it was included in the exhibition, which included a variety of different mediums including sculpture, painting, poetry and a display of  black and white photographs. The exhibition, Metamorphoses, includes the works of 22 different artists and poets who collaborated to combine art with poetry or random words.
 Both exhibitions run until April 3.
— By Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor
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