Dr. Sketchy’s explore same sex relationships


Lethbridge’s Dr. Sketchy’s anti -art school is settling well into their new home at the Trianon Gallery.Tanya Plonka draws Marie-Helene Lyle and Beth during Dr. Sketchy’s. photo by Richard Amery

 While only a handful of artists showed up to the June 25 edition of the international art meets burlesque program, the participants were enjoying this month’s theme —  a  Drag King and Bull Dyke Femme Show featuring Buster Hynem (Beth) and Madame Pamplemousse (Marie Heléne Lyle).  It was also a fundraiser for the ULSU PRIDE Resource Centre.

Model Marie Hélene Lyle had to hold a pretty uncomfortable and submissive pose on the ground next to model Beth who was stood above her dressed as a man.
“I just try to think of something else and block out the pain,” Lyle said adding Beth came up with the idea during a modeling shoot they did together.

Beth said the routine was an examination of traditional 50’s male/female gender roles as related to same sex relationships.

“It’s the old attitude of traditional families,” she continued adding same sex relationships can share similar roles.
“It turns out that she (her character) is actually a woman,” she continued.

— By Richard Amery, L.A Beat Editor
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