Museum passes can be signed out at Library

 The Galt Museum is excited to  be on the forefront of a new partnership with the Chinook Arch Regional Library System.alt
 The partnership will allow library patrons to “take out”  week long passes to the museum and museum activities the same way they can use their library card to take out books, CDs, and DVDs at all of the Chinook Arch Regional System’s 31 libraries.
“We’ve seen examples of this in Southern Alberta, but there’s nothing like it in Southern Alberta,” said Galt Museum spokesperson Anine Vonkeman.
“We thought this would be a really great idea to to provide museum services to families who might not be able to afford it,” she continued adding  the Galt has been working on this partnership for the past year and a half.
There will be eight passes available at  the Lethbridge library, three in Coaldale and two each at Cardston, Claresholm, Fort Macleod, Magrath, Nanton, Picture Butte, Pincher Creek, Raymond, Stirling and Taber and one at each of the other community libraries in the Chinook Arch Regional library system.
The program starts Dec. 21. Passes include all of the same  privileges which annual pass holders get including free admission and free or discounted admission to special programs and a discount at the museum store.
Access to the Galt’s archives is free as always  with appointment.
 If the program is successful, more passes could be made available, but it would have to be approved.
Lethbridge Web Design has also signed on as a sponsor of the program.
— by Richard Amery, L.A. Beat editor