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Wild T and the Spirit play wild show for return to the Slice

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An intimate audience didn't“t stop Wild T and the spirit from giving it his all  during a spellbinding early show at the Slice, Sunday, May 26.


 The revamped Wild T and the Spirit including new bassist Ray Ray Treeze and longstanding drummer Trevor Bigam played for a least two hours straight.

Wild T and the Spirit playing the Slice, May 26. Photo by Richard Amery

 Local favourites the Eric Braun Band including guitarist / vocalist Eric Braun, his dad  Ken on drums and bassist  Jon Bateman started their show around 6:30 p.m.

 They  played blues classics with a solid groove, soulful vocals and tasteful guitar playing from Eric Braun.


 “Use” Me was a highlight near the end of their set, which also included a hot version of Jimi Hendrix’s “ Voo Doo Chile (Slight Return), though Wild T and the Spirit are known for playing plenty of Hendrix.

 The Eric Braun band were called back for a couple of encores of  ZZ Top’s “Just Got Paid” and  “Tennessee Whiskey,” for a touch of Chris Stapleton styled soulful   country music.

 Wild T and the Spirit just wanted to play. So after a quick break, they took the stage and didn’t give it back for close to three hours.


 They opened with a newer song “ Start It Up For Me,” one of several new songs Toronto based bluesman Wild T aka Toney Springer was to introduce in the show.

 He started with  some  blues classics like “ I Play The Blues For You,” Blues was the order of the day though Springer effortlessly  added spurts of  two handed tapping into his songs just to show how good of a guitar player he is.

 He hasn't played the Slice since  July 2014. ,”  Since then,  beloved bassist Gunther Kapelle passed away and they released a live album featuring his groove, so it was great to have Wild T back at the Slice.

 Most of the show mirrored the 2015 “Live ” album.”


 Springer  looked completely blissed out,  beaming throughout his set. He added a little musical humour  by adding a few bars of Christmas carols into his solos, wishing the audience a merry Christmas.

 To add to his upbeat mode, he went reggae with a cover of  Bob Marley’s “Jammin’”


Shawna Romolliwa singing with Wild T and the Spirit, may 26. Photo by Richard Amery

 He played a new song “ Wandering River,” which was more straight ahead blues, but he also laid down some more two-handed tapping.

While he will sometimes do a full Jimi Hendrix   tribute show, he  opted to jam on a couple of Hendrix classics “Hey Joe” and a cover of Hendrix’s cover of Bob Dylan’s  “All Along The Watchtower,” which he described as a cover of a cover of a cover. He added a few favourite Hendrix tricks like playing his sparkling blue Stratocaster with his teeth,

 After that a song called “ Driving Fool,” was an uptempo highlight.

 The band also played an extended funky jam on James Brown’s “Papa’s Got A Brand New Bag.”

He welcomed a couple special  guests on stage.

 Eric Braun joined them to jam on some Rolling Stones.


Wild T and the Spirit at the Slice, May 26. Photo by Richard Amery

 Shawna Romolliwa improvised a spontaneous blues song while Wild T and the Spirit  jammed over her lyrics.


 Jolene Draper joined them on stage for another song.

 The band wound down the show with a couple more songs featuring Eric Braun.

 They were called back for an encore just before 10 p.m.  and played one of Wild T and the Spirit’s ’90s hits “ Midnight Blue,” before calling it a night.

— By Richard Amery, L.A Beat Editor

Last Updated ( Sunday, 02 June 2024 17:50 )  
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