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Country and then some this week

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Lethbridge goes country this week, what with Whoop -Up Days approaching.
Gordie Tentrees plays the Slice, Aug. 15. photo By Richard Amery
 A number of acts worth seeing are playing this week.
 Former Fred Eaglesmith guitarist Roger Marin hits the Slice, April 13 with his band and some outstanding solo material and the Dusty Boot Band play the Lethbridge Casino this weekend.
 There is sure to be some country at Henotic during Kitty Leroy’s Lady Gunfighters and Gamblers, where several talented local ladies will be performing.
 Rod Szabo is also back at the Slice, Aug. 14 with Waking Jude and Jesse Northey and the Dandelions.
 And if you missed Gordie Tentrees play his original blend of blues, folk and country at the South Country Fair this year, catch him at the Slice, July 15.

Bedouin Soundclash was superb

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So that’s what you have to do to bring out people on a weeknight— bring in Bedouin Soundclash and help support  the Lethbridge firefighters.
 Five dollars from each of the $25 tickets went to the  Alberta Firefighters Burn Camp. The Blarney Stone was packed with an enthusiastic crowd, Aug. 10 to see three choice acts. Edmonton’s Ben Stevenson band got the crowd warmed up with some funk flavoured ’80s style pop. 
Vince Vaccaro, a Vancouver Island musician  who usually plays with a “loud rock band” did a creditable job of uptempo original music.  He maintained fantastic charisma and stage presence while bearing an uncanny resemblance to Sam Roberts. Though I would have liked to hear more of him, he ended his energetic set with “Let’s Go To Costa Rica,” while the crowd roared themselves hoarse in anticipation of Bedouin Soundclash.
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 11 August 2009 12:10 ) Read more...

Music is the language of friendship

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Floyd Sillito plays  the Friendship Festival 2009, Aug. 14. Photo By Richard Amery
“Music is a pretty universal language. If people just stop long enough to listen ,” said local musician Floyd Sillito, who is an integral part of a special event taking place in Galt Gardens, Aug. 14 designed to  bring the community together.
Numerous performers of all different genres will be playing Friendship Festival 2009 including organizer and old school country music aficionado Floyd Sillito.
“It’s a friendship festival. That’s the idea. The purpose of the concert is creating bonds of friendship between  First Nations and other communities in Lethbridge,” Sillito said. The Aboriginal Council of Lethbridge and Amnesty International are putting on the event, which includes performers  Trevor Kiitokii, Richard Doeksen, Lance Tailfeathers, Pow Navarro, Russell Red Crow, the Ammena  Dance Company and Planet Telex as well as Floyd Sillito and West Winds, Miss Blackfoot Canada Meghan Shouting and other special guests.

Local ladies to shine as Kitty Leroy’s Lady Gamblers and Gunfighters

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Karen Romolliwa, singing with the Creationists here, is looking forward to her first solo performance, Aug. 14. Photo By Richard Amery
“Music is love looking for words,” said Karen Romolliwa summarizing Kitty Leroy’s Lady Gamblers and Gunfighters, which showcases seven of Lethbridge’s most talented female musicians, Aug. 14 at Henotic.
The performers include Shaela Miller, Amy Bronson, Austria, Erica Van Drunen, Kelsey and Brenna, Jennifer Lee Bailey and Romolliwa, who is looking forward to her first solo gig.
“I’m always nervous until after I get through the first song,” said Romolliwa, who is usually seen singing with Hipppodrome.
“It’s different because the focus  isn’t all on me because there ’s 12 members of Hippodrome on stage. This is taking it to a whole different level,” Romolliwa continued adding she took up guitar  a year ago to help her cope with her dad’s death.
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 11 August 2009 11:36 ) Read more...

Super Saturday

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Saturday Aug. 1 was all about the ladies. I caught most of Alyssa McQuaid’s last set at the Mocha Cabana. Her resonant and melodic pipes will take this local girl a long way in the business. She has a new CD coming out fairly soon, as soon as  the photography and cover art are completed.
The, myself and perhaps 20 others were charmed into falling in love with the sweet country harmonies of Victoria bluegrass/country trio the Gruff, playing the Slice.  Guitarist Jenny Ritter, drummer Phaedra Kemp and stand-up bassist Terri Upton played off each other well, exhibited a quirky sense of humour and some really outstanding music enhanced by Chris Herbst’s tasteful dobro playing.
Then it was time to get rocked by the Pack A.D. who tore the roof of Henotic for approximately 40 people digging the Vancouver duo’s blend of grunge, hard rock and blues.
Singer/guitarist Becky Black howled the blues like a tortured soul, her leather lunged pipes  sounding like a cross between the Headpins’ Darby Mills and Janis Joplin. Drummer Maya Miller pounded the skins like a woman possessed by the spirit of Keith Moon. I kept expecting her kit to either burst into flames of collapse into itself. Their hour some long set was thunderous. I hope they come back soon. I can see why the Pack A.D are one of  the darlings of the alternative music community.
I also caught the very last  gravel voiced song from Darryl Düus and the One Shoe Blues Band who wound up a two day stint at the Lethbridge Casino. They wound up the set with a scorching version of “Who Do You Love,” guitarist/singer Düus wandered into crowd and played for each of the half dozen in attendance.
— By Richard Amery L.A.Beat editor
Last Updated ( Tuesday, 04 August 2009 16:00 )
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