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L.A. Beat


Shark Infested Daughters, Point Place, From the Wolves and Renzouken
Sat, Jul 18
Old Firehall - Lethbridge


Time: 8 P.M.

Cover: $10

Shark Infested Daughters are going on tour and bringing their friends Point Place and From the Wolves with them! Renzouken from Medicine Hat are also coming down to add to the metalcore carnage! The show is 10 dollars. This one will start EARLY AT 8pm! BANDS ARE ON AT 8PM! Show must be done by 11.

10$ Cover Charge
18+ No minors


 Shark Infested Daughters

Dan McCormick - Guitar/Vox Chris Thoresen - Vox Yannick Mathieu - Drums Erika Leah - Synth / Vox Oliver Carter-Wells - Guitar Dustin Wolfe - Bass

Shark Infested Daughters is a Calgary metalcore band who are a chaotic onslaught of bludgeoning rhythms, blood curdling screams, and beautiful melody that harken back to the early days of Killswitch Engage and Still Remains. Their "Reflections of the Dead" EP Will please even the most discerning fan of extreme music

Point Place

Ryan Poniewozik - Vocals
Matt Wischlinski - Guitar
Shaun Poniewozik - Guitar
Mike Kumpula - Bass
Will Wilk - Drums

Point Place. Pretty Ace. Pop Punk band from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.



 Renzouken is  a Mediciane Hat Metalcore band

Members: Vocals: Nathanael Bohnet Vocals: Colton Charette Guitar: Cesar Hicken Bass Guitar: Nick Kesslar Drums: Marshall Nygaard

 From the Wolves

From the Wolves is a Calgary based metalcore/hardcore band

Shane DeGraaff - Vocals
John Hays - Guitar
Kevin Stach - Guitar

 From The Wolves first started out when John (guitarist) and Layne (drums) started jamming out, after having their previous bands calling it quits. After experimenting with different genre styles, tunings, and drum patterns, the duo had found their preferred sound. Bringing in a vocalist was the next challenge. Finding someone who looked the part, understood the music, had a creative mind and brought ideas to the table when writing. Shane (vocals) was a perfect fit, with being in an older band with Layne (drums), everyone got along quickly. Months later they had collectively written a small EP, but were still without a bassist. Finding members that would understand how to play our style of music was a bit of a challenge, but in a couple weeks a bassist was mentioned to the trio. Everett (bass) showed up to a rehearsal and just like that he was instantly added to the line up. They quickly recorded the EP they had written and released it under the name 'MMXIV'After recording layers of guitar tracks on the EP, everyone had agreed that without a second guitarist, the songs that were recorded were near impossible to play live. Plus it would make everything sound much more louder and aggressive. Kevin (guitarist) had a history with playing in bands with John (guitarist) before. Kevin (guitarist) was in the band in no time. With new members and new ideas, the band began writing a second EP that really defines what From The Wolves is fully capable of achieving. The new EP will be released in 2015. From The Wolves are now playing shows, with dominating guitar riffs, aggressive vocal patterns, and melodic harmonies, they crush any show they are a part of.


 Witch of the Waste

Ryan Fitzgerald: Voices and words Michael Holme: Bass Guitars Peter Sacco: Guitars/voices Phil Jones: Guitars/voices Jeremy Gilmartin: Drums
Genre: Metal/Progressive/Hardcore
Witch of the Waste is a 5 piece metal band from Vancouver BC. Rejecting the technical arms race that overwhelms modern metal, WOTW strives to reach new levels of raw intensity while keeping their aesthetic vision close in sight. Fast, churning and swelling guitar riffs laid over manic drumming played fast, loud, and recklessly topped off with dynamic barking vocals and high otherworldly shrieks. Influences range from Converge, Oathbreaker, and Ulcerate to Sigur Ros. The music is a terrifying exploration and an emotional upheaval. 



Old FirehallMap
Old Firehall   -   Website
402 2 Ave South
Country: ca


402 - 2 Avenue South, Lethbridge, Alberta