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Steve Patterson jokes about how not to be an arsehole

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If laughter is the best medicine, then Steve Patterson's show at the Yates was just what the doctor Stever Patterson performed in Lethbridge, Sept. 28. Photo Submittedordered, Sept. 28.
 I wasn’t well, but  was definitely in the mood to hear a few jokes and stories.

 Patterson was  happy to deliver. The theme of his show was “don‘t be an arsehole” which seemed apt as he was thrown off a little at the beginning  by an old school cell phone ringing.

He made note of that as well as some growlings from the back of the room by someone  who thought his stories were too long.

He joked about that too and brought a couple of people up from the audience for an “arsehole quiz,” asking them what they would do in certain  scenarios and letting the audience decide who would be the biggest arsehole. They both received Tim Horton's gift cards for being good sports.

 He joked “ If  you are here for Mick Foley (wrestling star who appeared at the Yates on Sunday) they you’re in the wrong show and joked if you’re here for the Debaters (his CBC show) you won’t hear any of that.

There was plenty  of material about not being an arsehole as well as  tips to being a good husband. He ended his 90 minute show with a story about getting drunk in Florida while golfing and almost killing his wife in a golf course race which tied in nicely to his earlier bit about stopping a couples fight by appealing to a woman's maternal, caring nature and breaking down in tears after doing something wrong.

 In between stories, he showed he is a quite capable singer, singing  humourous pop songs and ending his show with a pretty decent  country song called “Nobody will Remember his Name” though he’s no competition for Alan Jackson, who was performing the Enmax Centre with Terri Clark across town the same night.

That was punctuated with the overhead speaker  stating “Steve Patterson”  every time he sang “And nobody will remember his name” and “Mick Foley”  once just before he left the stage.

— By Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor
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