Flying Fox and the Hunter Gatherers add costumes to the music


The Tongue and Groove had a weird , wild show, July 19 with Flying Fox and the Hunter Gatherers.

Iā€™d heard legends of early ā€™70 Flying Fox and the Hunter Gatherers. Photo by Richard Ameryshows by progressive rock band Genesis with Peter Gabriel dressing up as a fox and in all sorts of other crazy costumes.

And while I missed that, I imagine  Flying Fox and the Hunter Gatherers captured that creative essence.

I arrived in the middle of their crack horn section blowing crazy jazz licks as the lead singer Flying Fox and the Hunter Gatherers. Photo by Richard Amerydonned a fox pelt and guitar and howled out something strange, while the band kept step behind them as a fascinated audience sat glued in their seats.

Then the rest of them put on assorted crazy muppet heads, grabbed drums and jumped onto the dance floor to pound out chaotic rhythms.

ā€” By Richard Amery, L.A Beat Editor
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