Manitoba Hal plays the ukulele blues


Winnipeg born and raised bluesman Hal Brolund or Manitoba Hal gave the blues a new twist at the Tongue N Groove, July 21 for Manitoba Hal playing the ukulele blues. Photo by Richard Ameryabout 40 people.
 As promised, he cracked jokes and told stories, but when he picked out classic blues licks on his ukulele, jaws dropped.

 He played a variety of originals, including his “big hit,” the catchy “Poulet Shack,” which he said he first recorded in 2005 on guitar to little interest. He said since re-recording in on ukulele, it has become popular among “radical lesbian singer songwriters.”

 He played traditional blues like “The Thrill Is Gone” and subtly recorded and looped rhythm by tapping on his ukulele as well as a catchy hook for an outstanding version of Howlin’ Wolf’s “Built For Comfort.”

 He sent out a traditional ukulele song “Honolulu Hula Girl” to his grandfather who bought him his first ukulele providing he learned how to play it.
He showed he had definitely filled that promise as his fingers flew across the strings of his ukulele, embossed with “Manitoba Hal” on the fretboard.

Brolund played a variety of songs from his career including the title track of his upcoming CD “Flirting With Mermaids.”

 He ended with more subtle looping effects by bluesifying country classic “16 Tons.”

—By Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor
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Last Updated ( Wednesday, 27 July 2011 15:51 )