Unleash the Archers unleash the power


 It was time to release your inner metalhead at the Slice, April 25 with Unleash the Archers, Arcanis and Lustre Creame.Unleash The Archers. Photo by Richard Amery

 While I missed a long set by Lustre  Creame, I caught local metal band Arcanis, who combined  old metal from the likes of Lustre Creame with several originals, which they self deprecatingly cut up.

They should give themselves more credit, there was nothing wrong with them. They had a lot of big, solid riffs and interesting vocals. one about the minotaur was fascinating. They had some cool vocals and even a few harmonized solos.
 Of course, Vancouver power metal band Unleash the Archers showed the leather and spike clad crowd how it was supposed to be done.

 They had massive bludgeoning riffs and smoking hot solos, a lot of harmonies.
Vocalist Brittney Hayes’ operatic vocals shook the walls and could have very well shattered the windows if they were any louder.

She owned the stage as strutted across it like she was born on it. They were contrasted by straight on screamo vocals from one of the hirsute guitarists.
 Their  guitars solos were intense with flurries of fretboard tapping.
 In addition to their own music, they also put their own spin on some Iron Maiden.

—By Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor
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Last Updated ( Thursday, 03 May 2012 10:39 )