Delhi 2 Dublin stoked to play 2012 Alberta Summer Games


Delhi2 Dublin are stoked about opening the 2012 Summer Games in Lethbridge, July 26 in the Enmax Centre, but it won’t be the first high profile gig that have played.Delhi 2 Dublin’s Andrew KIm playing electric sitar. Photo by Richard Amery

“We don’t ever get nervous,” said Delhi 2 Dublin electronics and Tabla player Tarun Nayar.
“But we do get excited. We just want to make people dance,” he continued.

 “For us the more people, and the bigger the venue, the better it is. We played Canada Day on Parliament Hill twice for about 200,000 people,” he said.

They are  excited about opening the Summer Games.
“We’re all really big sports fans. We’re always trying to tune in football and soccer games on the radio,” he said.

“So we’re hoping to see a little bit of the games.”

 It could be tough as they have a gig in Seattle the next day at noon.
“It’s typical Delhi 2 Dublin scheduling,” he laughed.

 They are excited about releasing their brand new  third full length CD, “ Turn Up  the Stereo” on  Aug. 28 and are eager to start playing the music. They have released two full length CDs, two remix CD and EP.

“It was  a long process. We spent a lot more time on melodies and lyrics which meant something to us, while before it was more about the beat and the dance grooves,” he explained adding the new music is still heavy on the dance grooves.

“Two or three of the songs we’ve been playing for a few months, but nine or 10 of them are songs we have never played before.”
 They have received good response for an advance track off the new CD which they released  to their fans and to radio  and have been
 They spent a year working on the CD with New York City producer Dave Sharma.

 “He really pushed us to the next level,” he said.

Tarun Nayar, Sanjay Seran, Andrew Kim and Ravi Binning, along with guest musicians Jaron Freeman-Fox and Sara Fitzpatrick have been described as “the United Nations of Music,” which appeals to them.

“We’re very varied. We’re multi-ethnic. There is Korean blood in us, Irish blood and Indian blood in us. Everyone comes from different backgrounds. So we’re influenced by old school hip hop, Irish Folk Music and Indian Folk music. We have no interest of being a traditional world music band, so we just play whatever we‘d like to,” Nayar said.

They will embark on the official CD release tour in August, which will bring them back to Lethbridge in November.

— By Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor

Last Updated ( Monday, 23 July 2012 15:31 )