New bassist adds new dimension to Cowpuncher


 It is always a lot of fun to see Calgary's Cowpuncher come to  Lethbridge.Bassist Shari Rae and frontman Matt Olah striking a pose. Photo by Richard Amery
 They didn’t have a great crowd at Scores, June 14 but the ones who were there were into it.

 I only caught their second set, but they played all of  my favourites including   “Acetaminophen” and “Raised on Rock and Roll,” a couple of the highlights from their most recent CD “ Ghost Notes.”

They gave a nod to their country originals with a hot  version of “Hoosegow.”  Call Me When You’re Single,” the title track from their album a few years ago also reflected their country roots and showed the beginning of their transition from country to rock.Matt Olah singing from the top of the bar. Photo by Richard Amery
 As a bonus, we got to see new bassist Shari Rae playing with them.

 Shari Rae, formerly of Miss Quincy and the Showdown, in addition to being a rock solid electric bass player (which adds more of a rock and roll sound  to the band rather than the stand up bass) adds a great new element to the Cowpuncher sound with her vocal harmonies.

The extra voice added more depth to the sound and gives them a little more range.

 It is weird to not only see her not playing a stand up bass, but  to not have a stand up bass in the band at all.

Matt Olah was a charismatic frontman as always chatting up the crowd and wandering among them on the dance floor singing, and then to the back of the room and onto the top of the bar to sing.

— By Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 25 June 2014 11:01 )