Lethbridge jammers remember Gord Downie


Local musicians, dubbed the Hip replacements gathered at the Slice to pay tribute to the music of   the Tragically Hip and departed frontman Gord Downie, Saturday, Nov. 4.Local musicians paid tribute to the Tragically Hip at the Slice last week. Photo By Richard Amery
 The Slice was the most packed I had seen it in some time and the band had it together.

 I arrived at the end of the set in the middle of a touching version of “Bobacageon,” with lead singer Darrel Wantanbe sounding every bit as plaintive as Downie himself.

 There was a crack band of jammers on stage including drummer Brad Brouwer, guitarist Mark Hall and host Bruce Roome on guitar as well. Those were the only ones I saw, though there were numerous other up on stage throughout the night.

 Frank Gutjahr, guitarist  of local band Driving while Blind took up bass for the third set of the night tackling “Little Bones,” among others.
 it was a good time and was a fundraiser for brain cancer research.

— By Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 15 November 2017 12:53 )