CKXU explores space this time for FunDrive


 CKXU gave packed house full of fans at the Owl Acoustic lounge, Feb. 9, a preview of this year‘s FUNDRive swag and space theme.

Time Boy helped launch CKXU's FUNDrive preview. Photo by Richard AmeryI arrived in the middle of a set from StegoSarahs, who fiddled at a computer playing psychedelic dance music, lost in the shadows of a darkened room, illuminated by colourful , random graphics  shining through an overhead projector onto the screen behind her.

 I stuck around for Calgary’s Time Boy, who played a tight set of psychedelic, spacey indie rock which featured plenty of organ and reminded me a lot of Pink Floyd mixed with Radiohead, but with a female vocalist. They also added a smattering of reggae and weird Japanese video game soundtrack music.

 I only caught the first couple of songs from Calgary trio Boreal Sons, who sounded like they were going to remain in the same space inspired vibe.

— By Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor
Last Updated ( Wednesday, 21 February 2018 10:55 )