Record Holder leave a record of their music together

Local band the Record Holder plans to leave a ‘record’ of their two years making music together beginning with their CD Nicole Hembroff from the Record Holder. Photo by Richard Ameryrelease party at the Slice, April 23.
“We’ve been together for two years. We’ve been working on the CD for three months,” said guitarist/bassist Mike Granzow, who will be going to Montreal with his girlfriend in September while she studies for her Masters degree. His brother, Jon, will be going to Stanford to earn his doctorate on a full scholarship. The remaining members, vilolinist/ vocalist Nicole Hembroff and drummer  Sandeep Mishra will be staying in Lethbridge. The four met while  studying for their Masters degrees at the University of Lethbridge.
“We tried to pick our favourite songs. We recorded 11 and kept all 11. It’s exactly what we sound like live. We didn’t add any extra parts, instruments or musicians,” Granzow continued adding Aaron Bay mixed and mastered the CD.
The Record Holder, who were formerly known as Not Ned’s iPod, bring a variety of influences to the band. Granzow said he comes from a  folk background, while his brother and Hembroff are both classically trained musicians. Mishra brings the funk as he was drummer for popular local funk band the Creationists.
“Nicole’s vocals are awesome,” Granzow enthused adding she sings on four of the CDs tracks. The band shares vocals throughout though Nicole recently began singing with the band.
Due to heavy school schedules, the band never toured much , but  may do some this summer. They will be playing the South Country Fair this summer
“We’d like to do some touring this summer. It’s been a lot of fun,” he said.
— By Richard Amery, L.A. Beat editor
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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 20 April 2010 09:08 )