Aliens invade Slice

The Nix Dicksons put on a superb show, Oct. 8. Photo by Richard Amery

The Slice was a sight to see, Oct. 8, as it was packed to the roof with an assortment of science fiction characters from Star Trek and Space Jam and  numerous aliens of various shapes and sizes, characters clad in tin foil and boxes, colourful wigs and antennae.


Stephanie was among many   embracing the space theme. Photo by Richard Amery

 They were dressed as their alien best as they enjoyed a space themed party featuring the New Weather Machine,   Calgary’s Nix Dicksons and  Jesse andJesse Northey goes out of this world. Photo by Richard Amery the Dandelions, who wound up the night.


I arrived in the middle of a frenetic set by Calgary roots flavoured indie pop band the Nix Dicksons.


 Lead singer Tanner Holthe, who noted he was originally from Taber and that they had met at college here, was a charismatic frontman who had the audience filling the dance floor and singing along with infectious original pop ditties like “ All Girls Want,” “Old Shore Road,” and another one about parking lots.


They played a tight, and upbeat set, which had everyone cheering and dancing.


 Jesse and the Dandelions, who took the space theme  to an extreme degree by dressing in the most colourful and innovative costumes they could whip up, kept the intensity up through a set of originals, then knocked off an energetic version of the B-52’s “Rock Lobster,” to end their set.

— By Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor

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Last Updated ( Sunday, 10 October 2010 11:16 )