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THE show— A Tribute to ABBA
Sat, May 17
Enmax Center - Lethbridge


Time: 8 p.m.


 The Show— A Tribute to ABBA

THE SHOW" must go on.....

If you said A, one must also say B. But adding the two letters in reverse order - ie ABBA - is more problematic. Certain limitations apply to the legitimate use of the name “ABBA” as a name or title. Even for our acclaimed tribute show to the famous Swedish pop group this is true. “We may no longer use the group's name in the title of this great show. So we have decided to call it: "THE SHOW" - followed by a subtitle "A tribute to ABBA", says CEO/Producer Carsten Svoldgaard.

Recently the Maritime and Commercial Court has confirmed that Universal Music Group has all rights in the name “ABBA” due to their ownership (through their sister company Polar Music) of the trademark “ABBA”. “Of course it is a decision that we - just like any other - must align ourselves with”, Carsten Svoldgaard continues. “But it does not change the fact that we will continue touring the show world-wide, where more than 2 million people in 38 countries over 5 continents for 12 years has experienced our show. Now with the corrected title: "THE SHOW – a tribute to ABBA"

“THE SHOW” will still have the excellent Katja Nord and Camilla Dahlin from the Swedish band Waterloo (or/and their understudies) in front of “THE SHOW” featuring original ABBA musicians such as Ulf Andersson (sax), Lasse Wellander (Guitar), Janne Schaffer (guitar), Mats Ronander (guitar), Rutger Gunnarsson (bass) & Roger Palm (drums) among others who have toured with “THE SHOW” numerous times before. The National Symphony Orchestra of London under the leadership of MD/conductor Matthew Freeman is of course also still a big part of the show so nothing else has changed.

Awards and fans
With more than 2 million tickets sold in 38 countries over 5 continents “THE SHOW” can well deserve to be labeled as a huge audience success but “THE SHOW” has also won official recognition. In 2010 “THE SHOW” won the price for BEST SHOW at The Limelight Awards in London – “THE SHOW” won in front of the shows THRILLER LIVE, DIRTY DANCING and PRISCILLA THE MUSICAL.

Carsten Svoldgaard continues, ”To win the Limelight award was the jewel of several years of dedicated work in building “THE SHOW”. But the most important thing for us is still the love from the thousands of ABBA fans that come to see “THE SHOW” year after year. Not the least the Official International ABBA Fan Club who have given “THE SHOW” the greatest recognition:
”Absolutely the best ABBA since ABBA.”
The Official International ABBA Fan Club

Keep a close eye on the website to find out where “THE SHOW” will play. The new domain for the website is:


Enmax Center   -   Website
2510 Scenic Dr S
T1K 1N2
Country: ca


(403) 320-4040

The City of Lethbridge ENMAX Centre was built as a lasting legacy of the 1975 Canada Winter Games.