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Lots of skateboarding and music at Jam For Jax

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A good sized crowd enjoyed skateboard demonstrations and live music all day long at Legacy Park, Saturday, June 8 during Jam For Jax.


 The day-long event  in honour of Jax McKnight Hogan featured a variety of bands including some having their first gigs and more established bands like Headliners September Crows, Fawns and Shaela Miller.


 Several bands from local schools opened jam for Jax in the morning, in the after noon, an array of bands from the community including youths and adults took the stage.


Mutant’s Requiem playing Jam For Jax, June 8 in Legacy Park. Photo by Richard Amery

 I was in time for Mutant’s Requiem, who were playing their first gig. They  played a short set of complex progressive rock  and grunge including “ Nirvana’s “ Heart Shaped Box,” then  took a swing at Rush’s “ Fly By Night,””  and wound up with Tool’s “ 46 and 2” featured  a spot on  rendition of the song}s menacing bassline.


Living Fossils were up next with a short set of classic rock including Tom Petty’s You Wreck Me,” followed by Tommy Tutone’s ’80s hit “ 867-5309 Jenny.”


 The frontman was wearing a T Shirt from the Youngbloods,  the popular local pop punk band who were scheduled to play at 4 p.m.

 I would have stayed but wanted to catch another afternoon gig.

— By Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor

Last Updated ( Thursday, 13 June 2024 14:30 )  
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