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Actors needed for Noises Off!

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If you want to laugh, get involved with Noises Off.

 Playgoers of Lethbridge are holding open auditions, Nov. 14 and Nov. 15 at Southminster Untied  church for the play, which is scheduled to take place in the Yates Theatre Feb. 6-9, 2013.

The 1982 farce by British playwright Michael Frayne has been described as the funniest  farce ever writtenElaine Jagielski directs Nosies Off. Photo by Richard Amery. It  is about the hijinks of an ambitious director and his troupe of mediocre actors-the cast and crew of a sex romp called “Nothing’s On” and the misadventures they get into while trying to get it to stage.

The play within a play is a single-set farce in which lovers frolic, doors slam, clothes are tossed away and embarrassing hi-jinks ensue.
The cast includes five men and four women.

“There’s a variety of characters from 20-years-old to 70-years-old, so there is quite a range,” described director Elaine Jagielski.

“It’s an interesting play and a challenging play because the set flips around and there are two stories. I just found it to be an interesting play,” she continued.

“I’m looking forward to the interaction between the cast and the crew,” she said.
 She couldn’t recall if Playgoers of Lethbridge has done theNoises Off!, though the University of Lethbridge has done it.
“There’s lots of action. And the second act is all back stage,” she said.

Auditions are 7-9 p.m. today (Nov. 14) and Nov. 15 downstairs in the Southminster United Church. No preparation is needed. Backstage people are needed as well and encouraged to come to auditions as well.
They are planning to begin rehearsals in December.

— By Richard Amery, L.A Beat Editor
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