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Lethbridge raised comedian Doug Mutai makes people laugh from Africa to Calgary

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Performing runs in the family for comedian Doug Mutai, who performs at Scores with Mike “Pickle Dambra,” March 28.

“ Holidays are interesting in my family. Everybody is just being a clown,  making  jokes or doing impressions of  some person,” said the Kenyan born, Calgary based comedian, who spent  his first years in Canada in Lethbridge taking business administration at Lethbridge College.


I  moved to Lethbridge because I had family there. I went to the college and joined the track team,” Mutai said.

  Most of his family are involved in  the performing arts in some way. He is the oldest child in the family, while his  younger siblings are playwrights and performers.


 So comedy came naturally.

“ I just started performing at open mics and never looked back. I saw comedians like  Derek Edwards and  the MacDonalds, Norm and Mike on television and thought it looked like fun,” Mutai said.

  While much of Mike “Pickle” Dambra’s routine  includes  making fun of audience members, Mutai’s routine is more joke based.

“ I am excited about it,” he said adding he has  shared the stage with Dambra  several times before.


 He is fascinated by the intricacies of the English language, so much of his  25 minute longroutine finds the humour in that.

“ Language is just fun. I always found jokes in it because there are so many rules and there is no specific function for them because there are always exceptions,” he said.


He is excited about performing with Dambra, though he has never had  to deal with hecklers.

 “ There are always people like that in the audience, but it never has anything to do with me. There are always people who are loud and drunk, but they  usually go back to doing their own thing,” he said adding he is looking forward to returning to Lethbridge.

“It’s always fun to perform there and it’s been close to a year. I hope people come and bring guests,” he said

 Advance tickets cost $15 at Scores and all Gas King locations. The  show begins at 9 p.m.. Calgary comedian Chris Griffin and Lethbridge comedian Jeff Gunderson will also be performing.

 — by Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor

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