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Arts Alive and Well at SAAG with This Is the Water and Electric Eye

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 Arts Alive and Well and the imagination is the only limit as the exhibit features 400 works from students from Kindergarten to Grade 12 from all of The Lethbridge area school districts. The other exhibit, This is Water,  features some new and innovative work form  University of Lethbridge MFA and BFA students.Arts A:ive and Well  runs until June 7. photo by Richard Amery

So if you are at the Southern Alberta Art Gallery for the Electric Eye Music Festival, Saturday, May 9, don’t forget to check out their new exhibits, which run April 26-June 7.

The 38th annual event feature a variety of works ranging in styles from realism to more surreal works and sculpture.
 Subject matter ranged from the fun to the political.

“We‘re always impressed by the high quality works that are submitted, said SAAG communications co-ordinator Nicole Hembroff.
 While some works are by individual artists, others are collaborations between classes or duos.
The St Francis Grade 9 class submitted a sculpture called In the Marsh they made out of chicken wire and fabric.
 Some students took a political route with their works exploring issues like female body image, aboriginal suicides and healthy eating.

“We have everything from 3-D printing to T-shirts,” Hembroff said adding other students actually created hand crafted  books featuring  calligraphy, drawings and  found items like feathers.


Anne Dubord paints as Paul Cournoyer plays bilingual indie pop

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Edmonton  bilingual folk and pop musician Paul Cournoyer entertained almost 100 people at Cité Des Prairies, April 29 where Lethbridge artist Anne Dubord was premiering some of her latest works.Anne Dubord paints to the music of Paul Cournoyer. Photo by Rchard Amery
 Dubord was live painting two brand new works on stage during Cournoyer’s set.

 Cournoyer played addictive set up up tempo rock which sounded like Joel Plaskett singing in French. He played bass as his guitarist, keyboardist and drummer played ambient, Pink Floydish layers of music.

 He played much of his new CD and an older song which he had entered in a songwriting contest.

— By Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor

Anne Dubord to premiere new works at la Cité des Prairies

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Montreal born, Lethbridge based artist Anne Dubord opens a one day exhibition of her works, April 29 at La Cité Des Prairies (2104 6 Avenue S).Anne Dubord opens a new exhibition of art, April 29. Photo by Richard Amery
Dubord has been creating art for the past 15 years and  works as a graphic designer by day.

“ I work in acrylic paint. I feature a lot of faces. Mostly women with big hair,” Dubord said.
“ I like working with bright colours,” she continued, adding her work has improved over the years.

 Her exhibition features 15 new works mostly completed over the past year and a couple older works.


No space to stand at Space Invaders art opening

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There wasn’t any space to be had at the Owl Acoustic Lounge for the official opening of the Space Invaders art show, April 10.Fei Fei Du playing  the Space Invaders art opening. Photo by Richard Amery

 While the walls were adorned with numerous video game inspired artwork from 40 different artists, the room was alive with the sound of soul and some outstanding guitar playing courtesy of Fei Fei Du and Mwansa Mwansa’s band.

 The talented young prodigy Fei Fei Du opened up the evening with a gorgeous set of solo acoustic guitar. He channelled the spirit of virtuosos like Chet Atkins, playing simultaneous fingerpicked basslines and melodies as well as tapping out percussion on the side of his guitar.

He had most of the room watching his performance intently. Among the highlights was his medley of Beatles hits including  “Here Comes the Sun,” “ Day Tripper” and many others. He covered the bass as well as vocal melodies of those songs and  simultaneously played two different Beatles songs for part of the set.

 I missed the first set from Mwansa Mwansa and her band including bassist Paul Holden, drummer Brad Brouwer, guitarist James Oldenburg and Aaron Collier playing keyboards.

I caught part of their second set during which they tackled a couple new of songs including a cover of Jamiroquai’s ’90s hit “Virtual Insanity.”
 The band was tight as usual and Mwansa Mwansa showed off her powerful pipes, though she was a little off at the beginning of the set.

— By Richard Amery, L.A. Beat Editor
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